What is a reflex or confirmation test? Why do I have to pay for additional tests?

Some of the tests that we offer are what we call screening tests. Most screening tests have the word "reflex" or "confirmation" in the name, e.g., TSH with Reflex to T-4 Free. This means that if the results of the screening test comes back abnormal or out of range, the lab will perform a reflex or confirmation test using the same specimen. In the example given, the TSH is the screening test and the T-4 Free is the reflex test. If the additional testing is necessary, you will be responsible for the cost of this additional testing.

Each screening test Description Page includes verbiage, letting you know about these possible additional charges. We also send out a courtesy email moments after you place an order including a screening test, to make sure you are aware and not surprised when additional charges are made to your credit/debit card.

We do not bake the reflex / confirmation test cost into the cost of the screening test, because we don't expect you to have to pay for a test that you may not need. But we do expect you to pay for the testing that the lab does for you, and if the additional testing has to be done, we will charge your card for the tests completed.

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