Finger Prick Blood Collection Instructions

Before Sample Collection

  • Samples should be collected at the beginning of the day within 30 minutes of waking.
  • If testing lipids, one should fast all food and drink, except water, for 10-12 hours before taking one's sample.
  • Pro Tip: Rub your hands together, swing your arms, and gently massage your arms to increase blood flow in your hands.


Do Not's

Get collection supplies ready the night before one collects one's sample. Do Not touch the blood collection area inside the marked circles on the blood collection card.
Wash hands with soap and warm water and dry hands with a clean towel before handling the test kit. Do Not overlap blood drops on the same spot.
Do Not reuse the lancets provided in the kit. The lancets are for single use only.

How To Collect Your Sample

  1. Watch the Blood Spot Collection Video above.
  2. Wash hands under warm water and dry with a clean towel.
  3. Verify the test kit content and place them on a flat surface like a table (preferably below your waist level). Open the top flap of the blood collection card and keep it straight on the table. Write your name, collection date and time in the provided space on the card.
  4. Clean the outer edge of middle and/or ring finger of your non-dominant hand with alcohol wipe and allow to air dry for 20-30 seconds.
  5. Twist cap off the provided blue and white lancet and press the white section firmly against the outer side of your cleaned finger tip until you hear the lancet click. Quickly wipe away the small first blood drop with the sterile gauze pad.
  6. Position your finger over the printed circle on the blood spot card and gently massage the entire length of finger to form a large, hanging blood drop. Do not squeeze too hard. 
  7. Touch the hanging drop to the center of the circle, one large droplet per circle, without touching finger to the collection area inside circle. DO NOT OVERLAP BLOOD DROPS ON THE SAME SPOT.
  8. Continue collecting blood drips until all the circles are filled. If you are unable to get sufficient blood, repeat from step 2 using a different finger and the second lancet provided in the kit.
  9. After blood collection is complete, gently press the gauze pad to stop bleed and apply the bandage.
  10. Leave blood spot card open to dry for a minimum of 30 minutes. After drying, close the top flap and place the card into the aluminum pouch and seal. Place the sealed pouch in the refrigerator until ready to mail.

How to Package and Mail Your Samples

The day after you collect the sample, place the following into the pre-addressed return envelope:

  1. Tightly sealed aluminum pouch containing the blood spot card.
  2. The completed and signed requisition form. The lab can not process your sample without your signature.

Close the mailer, place the shipping label on the mailer and mail the package.

Extra Guideline for Customers Having Hormone Testing

Do not stop your hormone use, but follow the guideline below for optimal blood sample collection timings.

  • Topical Hormones (Creams and Gels)
    • Do not apply any topical hormones on the day of sample collection. Collect sample 12-24 hours after the last application.
    • Do not apply any topical hormones with bare hands for a minimum of two days before collecting sample. Use gloves or hormone applicators.
    • Do not apply hormones to your face or neck the night before collecting your sample.
    • Apply hormones to areas that can be covered by clothing. This is to prevent any undesired hormone contamination.
  • Sublingual Hormones or Troches (dissolved under the tongue)
    • Collect sample 6-10 hours after the last dose.
  • Oral Hormones (Pills)(Progesterone)
    • If taking Progesterone: Collect sample 6-10 hours after the last dose. 
    • For all other hormones: Collect sample 12-24 hours after the last dose.
  • Injections and Pellets
    • Collect sample mid-regimen between injections / pellets.
  • Tansdermal Patches
    • Collect sample 1-2 days after applying the patch.
  • 7-Keto DHEA
    • Collect sample 72 hours after the last dose.

To download a copy of these instructions from the laboratory, please click here.

If you have additional questions about taking your sample, please call the lab directly, Ayumetrix, at 1-800-215-8898.

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